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Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker – Where is Rockhopper and Tips to Finding Rockhopper

Chinsetakout here!!

We again have a Rockhopper Tracker that will make finding Rockhopper on Club Penguin a ton easier! It will tell you the server, room, and time of when we have found Rockhopper on Club Penguin. Please realize we update the tracker manually. Check it out:

Click here to refresh the Rockhopper Tracker. The tracker is updated whenever we find Rockhopper on Club Penguin. Check back for Rockhopper’s current location here.

Tips to Finding Rockhopper on Club Penguin:

Below are some very helpful cheats to finding Rockhopper on Club Penguin:

1. When the tracker is updated the location is always correct. We update the tracker when we have found Rockhopper on Club Penguin. Click here to refresh the Rockhopper Tracker.

2. Rockhopper goes on crowded servers such as Blizzard, Mammoth, and Frozen. He spends about 15 minutes in each server!

3. Rockhopper is usually found in the Migrator, but can also be found in other places such as the Dock, Beach, Iceberg, Pizza Parlor, and Cove.

4. Rockhopper is a red pirate penguin who wears a pirate hat and has a beard. He is slightly larger then other penguins so you can see him easier.

5. Rockhopper always has a ton of penguins crowding him in Club Penguin. If you can’t see him, check the users in the room list. His name will be there and their will be a wide smiley face next to it.

6. Rockhopper is always online after he arrives to Club Penguin! Check out tracker 24/7

7. You can’t add Rockhopper to your buddy list, but if you do find Rockhopper, you can get a free autographed background by clicking the “add buddy” button on his playercard.

8.  Follow Chinsetakout on Twitter for announcements on Rockhopper’s location in Club Penguin.

9. Chat at CpClubPenguin.org’s Chatbox to create a search group to make finding Rockhopper easier.

10. Leave a comment on the Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker Page if you have found Rockhopper!

Awesome! I really hope that we can help everyone find Rockhopper on Club Penguin! Let us know if you have found Rockhopper! ;-)


Club Penguin Fall Fair 2009 Party Cheats

Chinsetakout here!!

The Fall Fair is finally here on Club Penguin ;-) Its awesome! There are a ton of games around Club Penguin where you can earn tickets which you can use to buy items! Cool right? Just make sure you use your tickets before you log out otherwise you will lose them! Ya.. not cool. Here is all the information you need to know about the tickets and prizes in the Fall Fair:


In the forest there are prizes for everyone including non-members ;-) Here are all the items you can get when you redeem your tickets at the Forest Prize booth:


Here are the items you can buy and how many tickets they cost:

Feathered Tiara – 100 Tickets
Cosmic Star Hat – 100 Tickets
Fair Beacon Background – 50 Tickets
Cotton Candy Pin – 50 Tickets

There is also a members only room in the Forest! In that room there is another prize booth and the Puffle Circus! Check it out:


Here are the items the members can get from the Prize booth:


Tent Igloo – 700 Tickets
Fair Background – 50 Tickets
Ring Master Hat – 110 Tickets
Ring Master Suit – 300 Tickets
Teddy Bear – 200 Tickets

In the Great Puffle Circus you can choose different color puffles and watch them do different stunts! Check it out:


There is also a game room in the Snow Forts! It is for all penguins! Check it out:


This party rocks my socks off! It might be my favorite ever… or a close second! ;-) Which party is your favorite?


Club Penguin Times Issue #202

Chinsetakout here!!

A new Club Penguin Times issue is out! In this issue the September 2009 party is announced and a special penguin will be visiting soon ;-) Lets check it out:

Club Penguin’s September 2009 Party will be the Fall Fair! It will be from September 4-13 and Rockhopper will be partying with us :-)  So be ready for some club penguin party cheats!!!


Rockhopper is now in the telescope and will be arriving September 4th! He will be waddling around Club Penguin during the Fall Fair! More on Rockhopper tomorrow…..


Awesome! September looks like its gonna be a ton of fun! Except for school :’-( Look out for the last Mini Party Clue later today!


Club Penguin Cheats Rockhoper Comment Tracker

Update: We have changed the look of the website for the upcoming adventure party! We hope you like it :D  We will all post in bold black until we change it back so it is easy for you to read! Thanks :D

Update: We have added the 800,000 hits party invitation to the sidebar! We really hope everyone can make it! :D Please comment if you can make it or not because if too many cannot make it we will reschedule! Thanks! :D

Chinsetakout here!!

As all of you probably know Rockhopper is leaving very soon and there isnt much time left to meet him and get that awesome new background! Lets Find Rockhopper with this comment tracker! :D


Here are some things to do so we all can find these awesome penguins:

1. Try Hard to find all of these penguins by looking in all the servers

2. Don’t say someone is in a certain server when they really aren’t

3. Once you have found one of them comment the server, who you found, the time in Penguin Standard Time, and the Room

4. If you have found one of the Famous Penguins becasue of this tracker, tell us in a comment

5. You can comment which of the Famous Penguins you have met!

6. Try to comment where you found them right  away so they haven’t left before you tell anyone!

Ok lets get tracking!


Rockhopper’s Plants Spread Even More on Club Penguin

Chinsetakout here!!

Rockopper’s Plants are spreading even more on the beach! Click more for all the info:

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Screenhog Blogs on Club Penguin Times

Hey everyone Dr Pepper 66 here!

Screenhog made a cool post on the Club Penguin Blog! Click more for all the info:

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Rockhopper’s Plants Spreading on Club Penguin

Chinsetakout here!

Rockhopper’s plants are spreading on Club Penguin! Click more for all the info:

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Club Penguin Spanish Servers

Chinsetakout here!!

There are now spanish servers in Club Penguin! Click more for all the info:

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