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Club Penguin Fall Fair Mini Party!

Chinsetakout here!!

I think its time we had another sweet party on Club Penguin! I am pretty sure all of us can agree that this Fall Fair has been totally awesome! It’s time to celebrate it with a mini party! Cool? Let’s check it out:

fall fair mini party

Club Penguin Mini-Party Details:

Monday, September 7th 2009

12:00PM Penguin Time
12:00PM Pacific Time
1:00PM Mountain Time
2:00PM Central Time
3:00PM Eastern Time
8:00PM UK Time


My Igloo on the Map

Celebrate the Fall Fair Party! Where any of the prizes of the Fall Fair or just anything ;-)


Want to come but think you might forget? Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write yourself a reminder ;-)

Awesome! I will be adding penguins at the party! ;-) Comment if you can make it to the party! I really hope everyone can make it to party with us!


Club Penguin Pirate Mini Party Review!

Chinsetakout be here mateys!

LOL! That was an AWESOME pirate party! You guys rock so much! Thanks for coming and celebrating Rockhopper’s Arrival to Club Penguin! You guys are definitely the best fans in the world and I just want to thank you so much! :-) Now for the review!

First we started out at the beach! Everyone was in red or dressed like a pirate, it was awesome! My computer was lagging cause the room was so full!


Next at the beach we had some fun with emotes! ;-)


I tried to add as many people as possible at the party or send you a postcard! Please make sure your Penguin Mailbox isn’t full otherwise I can’t send you one.


After that we headed to the beacon to check on Rockhopper! Hopefully he won’t crash again ;-) It was a ton of fun!


After that we went downstairs to the lighthouse! We had some fun with the music notes and rocked the Lighthouse! :-)


Then at the end of the party we went to the Iceberg! We made an awesome line across the Iceberg! And yes you guys do rock! ;-) (click the picture to enlarge it)


LOL! Next we chanted Jojo161616’s name on Club Penguin! AKA gogo because Jojo doesn’t show. ;-p


Like always we had a second short mini party in my igloo after I left the party. I put the my igloo on the map and  tried to add everyone that I couldn’t during the party!


Wowzers! LOL! That party was a ton of fun! Did you guys have fun? Do you see your penguin in any of these pictures? Look out for another party soon! ;-)


Click here to follow Chinsetakout’s Twitter!

Club Penguin Mini Party Clue #4

Chinsetakout here!!

We are so close to the Club Penguin Mini Party! I can almost taste it ;-) Believe me, it tastes good :-D This will be the last clue for the Mini Party! Including this clue we have given you the date, time, server, and room of the mini party! Tomorrow we will also release the theme of the party, it has to do with an upcoming event ;-) Comment what you think the theme might be! Here are all the clues again if you have missed any!

Miss the first clue? Click here for the first Mini Party Clue!

Miss the second clue? Click here for the Second Party Clue!

Miss the third clue? Click here for the Third Mini Party Clue!

Now here is the Club Penguin Mini Party Clue #4, click the image to make it bigger if needed:

party clue4

Did you figure out the clue but think you might forget about it? Go grab a piece of paper and pen and write yourself a little reminder ;-)

Sweetastic! I cannot wait for the party! Think you have figured out all four clues? Comment and let us know what you think all of the information is and also what you think the theme might be!


Club Penguin Mini Party Clue #3

Chinsetakout here!!

We are so close to the Club Penguin Mini Party! Have all you guys figured out clues one and two yet? I hope so! Well here is clue #3:

party clue3

Clue: This time is in the PM and is in Club Penguin Time.

Did you figure out the clue but think you might forget about it? Go grab a piece of paper and pen and write yourself a little reminder ;-)

Miss the first clue? Click here for the first Mini Party Clue!

Miss the second clue? Click here for the Second Party Clue!

Sweet! Figure it out? I can’t wait for the party because we are gonna have such a good TIME. LOL ;-) Comment if you think you figured out the clue! Good Luck!


Club Penguin: Mini Party Clue #1

Chinsetakout here!!

We are siked to have another Club Penguin mini party soon, but you are going to have to work for this one ;-) We will be posting clues for the Server, Date, Time, Room, and What the party is about. If you can solve all of those clues then you can make it to the party! Here is Clue #1:


Did you figure out the clue but think you might forget about it? Go grab a piece of paper and pen and write yourself a little reminder ;-)

In other news: Be sure to enter the Club Penguin Twitter contest! We will be giving away four coin codes away to people who are following Chinsetakout’s Twitter! If you want to read more about it click here!

Hmmm…. I think this is pretty easy! Have you figured it out? ;-) Comment if you have found it!


Club Penguin Fix the Pool Mini Party Review!

Chinsetakout here!!

Wow!! All I can say is Wow!! LOL! That was an AMAZING Club Penguin party, thanks to all you guys :-)  SO MANY OF YOU GUYS WERE THERE! It rocked! I don’t know about all you guys, but I had a blast! We did a lot of things during the party and waddled around a couple rooms! Sorry about me leaving during a couple parts. My internet was getting messed up because so many of you were there! ;-p I hope your happy, you finally broke my internet ;-) LOL! Well, I took a whole lot of pictures, so lets take a look!

We started out in the Underground Pool to help Gary fix the pool windows. Too bad Gary didn’t show up! How cool would that have been? It was so full in the pool I had trouble even getting in!


I tried to add everyone that was in partying in the pool with me, but my list became full. If your mailbox wasn’t full I tried to send you a postcard!


Then we attempted to make a line across the pool. Look’s like a four year old drew that line ;-p


Then we headed to the Iceberg to rock out and  have a little tipping party :-) Tip you darn Iceberg :-(


Then of course in honor of the Festival of Flight we had a little flying party! Hey wait a minute is that Gary right there? ;-) Hmmm… maybe he was spying on our party! LOL!


Once the party had ended I went back to my igloo and opened it on the map! After every mini party, I will go back to my igloo and have a little mini party after the mini party ;-p Those of you who find me in my igloo will be added if you weren’t already at the party.


Well that was the best party ever and don’t worry if you couldn’t make it, we will DEFINITELY do it again really soon. The next party might not be so easy to find though…we will have some parties where we only announce it on my twitter: http://twitter.com/Chinsetakout. Follow me to always know when we are having a party and other parties we will give out clues that will tell you all the information about the party. Thanks again for partying with me and I hope everyone had a great time!


Club Penguin Fix the Pool Mini-Party Invitation

Chinsetakout here!!

I think it’s time that we have a party on Club Penguin, and what could be a better time than during the Festival of Flight? In the Series 1 of Who’s Chinsetakout, one question asked for us to have some more mini-parties so thats what we are gonna do ;-) LETS PARTY!


Club Penguin Mini-Party Details:

Sunday, August 16th 2009

12:00PM Penguin Time
12:00PM Pacific Time
1:00PM Mountain Time
2:00PM Central Time
3:00PM Eastern Time
8:00PM UK Time



Help fix the pool windows, bring a HARD HELMET, and who knows maybe Gary will show up! And if you don’t have a hard helmet, ahh who cares? Come party anyway! :-)


Want to come but think you might forget? Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write yourself a reminder ;-)

Maybe look out for a new kind of party with clues in the future if this one turns out good ;-) I really hope everyone can come!
