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Club Penguin Snow and Sports Interview

Chinsetakout here!!

This friday there will be a new Club Penguin Snow and Sports Catalog released! Happy77 wanted to know a little more about the August 2009 Catalog so he asked the designers a few questions!

How often do you make a new Snow & Sport catalog?
Four times a year. We started to put the months on the front of the catalog so you’ll see when the next issue is coming!

If there was a candy-eating sport, would any of you make the finals? What sort of outfit would you make for that?
We’d eat our weight in candy and more! In fact, here’s a sketch we just created that we think would be awesome to wear if there were a candy eating sport (We know there’s no candy eating sport. This outfit is not in the catalog – it’s just for fun!).


In other news:
The mini party is coming up soon and some of you might have missed the first three clues. Here they are again:

Miss the first clue? Click here for the first Mini Party Clue!

Miss the second clue? Click here for the Second Party Clue!

Miss the third clue? Click here for the Third Mini Party Clue!

Sweet! I wish there was a candy eating sport! Which candy is your favorite? Remember to check back here on Friday for all the Club Penguin Cheats in the new Snow and Sports Catalog on Club Penguin!


Club Penguin Mini Party Clue #3

Chinsetakout here!!

We are so close to the Club Penguin Mini Party! Have all you guys figured out clues one and two yet? I hope so! Well here is clue #3:

party clue3

Clue: This time is in the PM and is in Club Penguin Time.

Did you figure out the clue but think you might forget about it? Go grab a piece of paper and pen and write yourself a little reminder ;-)

Miss the first clue? Click here for the first Mini Party Clue!

Miss the second clue? Click here for the Second Party Clue!

Sweet! Figure it out? I can’t wait for the party because we are gonna have such a good TIME. LOL ;-) Comment if you think you figured out the clue! Good Luck!


Club Penguin Mini Party Clue #2

Chinsetakout here!!

This is the second clue for the upcoming mini party! Did you figure out the first one yet? I hope so ;-) Ok here is Clue #2:

party clue2REMINDER:
Did you figure out the clue but think you might forget about it? Go grab a piece of paper and pen and write yourself a little reminder ;-)

Miss the first clue? Click here for the first Mini Party Clue!

In other news: Be sure to enter the Club Penguin Twitter contest! We will be giving away four coin codes away to people who are following Chinsetakout’s Twitter! If you want to read more about it click here!

You better get this one otherwise you will miss a very important DATE! ;-) LOL! I cannot wait for this party! Did you figure out the clue? Comment if you think you know the answer! ;-)


Click here to follow Chinsetakout’s Twitter!

Club Penguin Snow and Sports Sneak Peek!

Hey everyone Dr Pepper 66 here!

Club Penguin released a new What’s New today about the new Sport’s Catalog that will come out this week.  He says it will include cheerleader wigs and football stuff!


Remember to check back Friday for all of the Club Penguin Cheats! Comment what you think about what is going to be in the catalog!!

In other news: Be sure to enter the Club Penguin Twitter contest! We will be giving away four coin codes away to people who are following Chinsetakout’s Twitter! If you want to read more about it click here!

-Dr Pepper 66

Club Penguin: Mini Party Clue #1

Chinsetakout here!!

We are siked to have another Club Penguin mini party soon, but you are going to have to work for this one ;-) We will be posting clues for the Server, Date, Time, Room, and What the party is about. If you can solve all of those clues then you can make it to the party! Here is Clue #1:


Did you figure out the clue but think you might forget about it? Go grab a piece of paper and pen and write yourself a little reminder ;-)

In other news: Be sure to enter the Club Penguin Twitter contest! We will be giving away four coin codes away to people who are following Chinsetakout’s Twitter! If you want to read more about it click here!

Hmmm…. I think this is pretty easy! Have you figured it out? ;-) Comment if you have found it!


Club Penguin: New Tallest Mountain Room?

Chinsetakout here!!

Remember how awhile ago we all thought the new Club Penguin room would be the Tallest Mountain? Well, now that the Festival of Flight is gone and with it the Tallest Mountain, I am not so sure anymore.  First of all we definitely know there is going to be a new room because of the blank screen in the HQ, this always indicates that a new room is coming to Club Penguin.


I have some evidence that really makes it seem that the new room won’t be the Tallest Mountain! First, Jojo161616 emailed Club Penguin asking whether or not the Tallest Mountain would be the new room or not. Here is what they said:


This email really tells me that the new room probably won’t be the Tallest Mountain! Do you think the new room will still be the Tallest Mountain? Comment and let us know!

In other news: Be sure to enter the Club Penguin Twitter contest! We will be giving away four coin codes away to people who are following Chinsetakout’s Twitter! If you want to read more about it click here!


Club Penguin Create Account – Aqua Color Missing

Chinsetakout here!!

As many of you know, Aqua was voted as the new Club Penguin color in July but there has yet to be an update on the create an account page on the Club Penguin website. When you go to create a penguin, you can’t choose Aqua as your penguin’s first color! Check it out:


In other news: Be sure to enter the Club Penguin Twitter contest! We will be giving away four coin codes away to people who are following Chinsetakout’s Twitter! If you want to read more about it click here!

Hmm… I wonder when Club Penguin will fix this! Probably soon, they are usually pretty good about updating things. ;-)


Free Club Penguin Twitter Coin Code Contest

Chinsetakout here!!

I think you guys have earned a new contest, with those awesome parties ;-) We are going to be giving away FOUR coin codes in this contest! (thanks to javapeng63 for donating!) to four random penguins who are followers on Chinsetakout’s Twitter!

Here is how this Coin Code Contest works:

1. If you don’t already have a Twitter account to follow Chinsetakout on, click here to sign up for a free Twitter account! Click the “Join Today” button, then login into your account once it is created.
2. Go to Chinsetakout’s Twitter Page. Click here to go to Chinsetakout’s Twitter!
3. Click on the follow button at the top of Chinsetakout’s Twitter

twitter contest1

After you have started to follow Chinsetakout’s Twitter, you have a chance to win one of four Club Penguin Coin Codes! I will send a direct message to the four different winners with the coin code in the message.

Click here to go to Chinsetakout’s twitter and follow him!

I will also be putting information about mini parties and other cool stuff on my twitter, so make sure to check it out!
